Monday, December 2, 2013


Life has it's way of dragging you down and throwing you around, doesn't it?
My last post was in July. I can't believe I haven't posted anything since then! So much has happened!
... and I wish I could say for the better...

2 months ago I was sexually assaulted by a fellow student at my school. I made the decision to report the incident the very next day. Since then he has been kicked out of school, arrested, bailed out of jail, and now we're awaiting trial. It's felt like a very long and hard process. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't set back in trusting men. At the time of the incident I was seeing someone and as you can guess I'm no longer seeing that man.

Also, just this passed month it was H's 2nd birthday and my 21st birthday! That was an exciting week! I wasn't sure how my emotions would be, given I hadn't heard form B&E in a while. If you remember, last year they asked if I would like to see her on her 1st birthday. I was secretly hoping they'd ask again, but unfortunately they didn't. I did email them and wished H a happy birthday and let them know my family had sent gifts for her. They emailed back and said she had a wonderful birthday! She is so talkative and adventurous! They said they would send pictures soon. I haven't received any yet.

The last few months I've also been battling depression. My mom noticed it in me before I even knew. I started skipping class and work to sleep. I wouldn't text my family like I usually do. I wasn't happy like I usually am. I didn't have interest in anything or energy to do much. Finally, my mom took me to the doctor and she put me on an anti-depressant. I can't say I've noticed much of a difference. I have good and bad days I guess. School is rough with this depression. I could honestly sleep all day and be just fine with that. It's a struggle to get up in the mornings and go into work as well. I've gotten in the habit of asking God multiple times a day for strength. Not strength for a particular reason or situation, but overall strength. I can't see an end to this depression right now, but I've been told that's what the depression makes you think. So here's to strength, to help me make it through and recover completely. I'd like to be happy again.