Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Race Issue?

It still exists? What?

My daughter is half white and half black. She is absolutely the most gorgeous child I have seen in my life, and I'm not just saying that because I birthed her. Her skin glows like she's an angel. Her hair is light brown and curly just like mine. Her eyes are bright and full of excitement. Her smile lights up the room, even just from a Polaroid. I look at this little miracle and can't even fathom how someone could hate her because she is both white and black.

Today, a guy I have been getting to know brought up the fact that he "doesn't like blacks." I was speechless. He doesn't know about H, but would he have said the same thing to me if he knew I had a mixed daughter? Sure, I like this guy. We've been learning a lot about each other lately, but that was it. That was the straw that broke the camel's back. Just like a single mother who goes on dates has to think about the child she left back at home, I have to think about H. I want H to be a part of my life when I get married and that means that my husband will know that she is also half black. I would never think twice about bringing someone who "doesn't like blacks" into my family to one day learn about H and realize that she is half black.

It honestly breaks my heart to hear a boy my age say something so ignorant about others. I believe all people should be treated equally. No matter your race, ethnicity, sexuality, weight, hair color, whatever; I will love you regardless and I will be your confidant and your sister in Christ. Where do we draw the line? I've never been so disappointed in my generation as I am today. The color of my daughter's skin does not label her as anything but a wonderful gift from God. The color of anyone's skin does not label them or make them better or worse than someone else.

Really missing you tonight babygirl. Keep growing and being wonderful you!


  1. Thanks for posting this. My heart breaks over this same issue. We have family members who are racist and it makes me so angry. Praying God brings you a man who loves your daughter just as much as you do!

  2. I agree with Ashley! I pray for these small minded people. I pray that God shows them that true inner beauty is what counts. That it's the way people treat you, not their skin tone that matters. I'm glad you found out now before the relationship traveled further down the road!
