Monday, January 28, 2013


As, hopefully, many of you know this past week was the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, January 22nd to be exact. Well, I had the privilege to go to Washington DC to participate in the March for Life. It was the most powerful experience I have ever encountered. The fact that over half a million people were there to march for the right to life is amazing! It was very cold and started snowing halfway through the march, but it was completely worth it.
I agree that people will never know what they'll do (concerning abortion) until they are faced with the choice. I am pro-life as well as "pro-choice". I had the right to choose what I wanted to do about my pregnancy: parent or adoption? Isn't that a good enough choice? Death should never be an option. I had the choice to choose, and I chose LIFE.

Many people at my school who I've talked to about pro-life/pro-choice topics have said, "Well you wouldn't know what you'd do if you were raped and ended up pregnant!" or "You would probably abort a pregnancy if you were a teen mom!" Well, actually I was (in a sense) raped and I am a teen mom, but never would I have aborted H. The circumstances that led to her conception were undesirable, but she was not and IS not to blame for that... so why shouldn't she have been given life?

I don't understand how pro-choice advocates can look at themselves in the mirror day after day and be okay with what they are advocating. I recommend everyone (whether pro-life or pro-choice) to attend the National March for Life. It is a very eye-opening experience for both groups.

One thing I hope you receive from this post is DON'T BE IGNORANT! If you are pro-life: learn about why people choose pro-choice. Try to understand where they are coming from so you can get on their level to be able to talk to them. If you are pro-choice: investigate why pro-lifers say that life starts at conception. Understand what you are advocating. And for both sides: know the ins and outs of abortion. Look at pictures of aborted babies. Watch medical videos of an abortion. Investigate why someone would want an abortion. Educate yourself! Don't be ignorant!

If you want more information about the March for Life and other events that occur for the pro-life movement, go to: Also if you'd like more information and informational videos about abortion, go to: and

*WARNING: the last two sites do have graphic images and videos. I strongly encourage you to watch and look at them though, we must educate ourselves to know what we are truly up against.

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