Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Year for Forgiveness

I never forgive. Ever. I am the most stubborn person you would ever meet. Once people wrong me the bridge is burned and never rebuilt. But this year that's going to change. Yes, I will still guard my heart, but I should not hold anger and hatred in my heart. Especially if that anger and hatred is from years ago. Tonight I finally forgave my ex-bestfriend. If you have read my other posts then you might remember the letter she wrote me, saying that she forgave me and asked for forgiveness. That was a couple months ago.. and tonight I finally was able to write a response letter back to her, saying that I forgive her and I even asked for forgiveness. I've decided to share it with you. God is going to do amazing things this year! This is His year!!!

"Dear L,
 As we go into a new year we are almost forced to take a look at our past. While observing this past year I am amazed at how far I have come and have grown... yet I am not where I want to be. I've had much hate and anger in my heart for the last 2 years. Most of it towards you; but not all. I don't want to hate anymore. Keeping horrible feelings pent up inside me doesn't hurt you, but it kills me. Like you said, there is no need to go into detail about the past and frankly I never want to think about it. But I do want to give you what you deserve.
 I forgive you. This does not mean I forget anything that was done or said, but I choose to forgive you. If you can still remember how I am, you would know this is not easy for me. I am not doing this without God's help. This will be an everyday kind of forgiveness; I will have to make the choice to forgive you daily. God has also placed something else on my heart... I apologize. In our friendship for the times I was a horrible friend, for the times I lied to you, and any time I did not make you feel like the wonderful gift God made you to be. I am deeply sorry.
 I want to end this letter by making sure you know that I love you in Christ. Who am I to say that you are less than me? God created you for a purpose! You are fearfully and wonderfully made! Good luck in this last semester of the year. I'll be praying for you continuously.
In Christ."


  1. Wow, what a courageous letter! You're so right~ bitterness and hate won't hurt her much but will eat away at you. I'm so glad you were able to forgive her! I can imagine what a weight was lifted off your shoulders. Here's to new beginnings and embracing the plan God has for your life. (Jeremiah 29:11) Happy New Year!

  2. It must feel like a thousand pounds were lifted off your shoulders after writing this letter. It's not always easy to forgive, but it will make you stronger, better even. I am proud of you and I know God is too :)
