Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Untold Story

I honestly feel like the only way to move on is to talk about things. So here I am, being open and honest. Bearing my soul and putting myself out there to be judged.. (yikes!)

I was always a good girl. I had great friends, I did great in school, I was active in my church, etc. Looking back now I think I can say that the pressures of high school got to me. It was my senior year and I had never done anything really bad. I had had 1 boyfriend my sophomore year, but that was like nothing compared to what I would be doing my senior year. I was still a virgin and had always said I would save myself for my husband. I strongly believed that premarital sex was wrong. Little did I know my life would take a complete turn just 3 short months after I received my purity ring on my 18th birthday.

February 13, 2011 I lost my virginity to a guy I didn't even know. He was 24. I also found out he had 3 other children, never married. I say 'lost' because that's exactly what happened. I could even say it was stolen from me. Was it rape? To a certain extent yes! I said no, I asked him to stop. He didn't. It was so painful and I was so scared and confused. I didn't know how it had even happened. Then, poof.. it was over and he got off. I just laid there thinking "I'm not a virgin anymore.." "How the heck am I going to tell my mother?" "Do I tell my mom?!" "What if I get pregnant?" "He didn't use a condom!!" "I could have an STD!" I remember it like it was yesterday, I had said out loud, "I was a virgin." and He said "Well you aren't anymore." I remember picking my things up and leaving; and being in so much pain. Then I had to walk through my front door and pass my mom in the living room and act like nothing had just happened. I never told her. That was my first mistake.

It was maybe a half hour later when he called me and asked if I was okay. I guess I was shocked that he even cared about my 'well-being'. I said yes, even though inside I was dying. The next day I was so scared that I went and got a Plan B pill. I never told him about that. Then, February 21 I started my period and I was the happiest girl ever! I told him and he of course said "I told you so." This next part many of you will hate me for. This was mistake number two..

For whatever reason, I can't even say why, I slept with him again. Sure I could blame it on the fact that my father left our family and that I was searching to be loved by a man, that I had already lost my virginity so what did it matter if I had sex again, etc.. In the 2 weeks we saw each other we had sex 4 times, only once was protected. That would be mistake number 3. After the last time we had sex I was feeling really scared about not using protection so I went and bought the Plan B pill again. I wouldn't find out till March that I was already pregnant when I took the pill.

The last time we had sex was the last time I had talked to him. He left me, I guess you could say. I was 3 months pregnant by the time he contacted me again. I found out that he was seeing another girl, which means he was probably having sex with her the same time he was having sex with me. I chose not to tell him about H. I had asked him before what he would do if I did get pregnant (from the first time he slept with me) and he said that we'd raise it or get rid of it. Adoption wasn't even an option. It was my first thought when I read "pregnant" on the test. This was our conversation.

Me: "What would we do if I was pregnant?"
Him: "We'd raise it or get rid of it."
Me: "I would never abort!"
Him: "Then we'd raise it."
Me: "What if I don't want to raise it? We can't raise a baby."
Him: "Then I'd raise it."
Me: "You can't raise a baby on your own."
Him: "My mom would raise it."
Me: "What about adoption??"
Him: "No. I don't want someone else raising my baby!!"

That right there was exactly why I chose not to tell him. So I proceeded with my pregnancy, moved states, proceeded with adoption, and now H has a beautiful family and she is safe.

I wish he could know her. Deep in my heart I long for him to know her. I just can't risk H's safety, or her family's safety. I wonder sometimes if I've done the right thing. I can't say that I have... but I think I've done the best thing. To be honest though I do dread the day when she asks about him.

I'm glad I finally got that out there. I'm afraid of your judgements, but I need to heal from this and move forward so I can open my heart to someone new, someone worth it. So please, be kind.. Mistakes are made so we can learn from them. I definitely have.


  1. No judgement here. Just compassion. The whole thing sounds like a very, very difficult experience. Good for you to have the strength to do what you felt was best for H.

  2. No judgement. Just my prayers.

  3. I don't know how I found your, and I've only read a little bit of your blog. I am an adult adoptee (47 years old) and I searched for and found my birthmother when I was 30. Long story. I am also an adoptive parent. We adopted a beautiful baby girl from China. I do not have any biological children. I know that you have probably endured a lot of judgement and I hope that you can find a sense of peace that you can live with every day...because you will think of H every day and you will need that peace to find the strength some days.

    I do not believe any person should have to go through their life not knowing where they came from. Despite the lack of a relationship with my BM now (it's not bad, it's just not frequent...we both have serious illnesses), it was affirming for me to meet her and see pictures of family.

    I never met my birthfather. He denied my existence when she contacted him about her pregnancy and my birth back in 1965. I did mail him one letter with pictures. In the letter, I gave him many different options for contacting me and if he chose not to contact me, I promised to not ever attempt to contact him his silence would be his answer. Unfortunately, I did not hear from him and a year later, I heard he died from a heart attack on Thanksgiving Day.

    I sit on two sides of adoption. I had a horrible childhood as an adoptee...but that's another story for another day. But then I turned around and adopted the most perfect, beautiful baby girl EVER! My Lillian Hope TaoJia (Lilly) makes my heart sing everyday! She's now 10 and will start 5th grade in the fall. She has made straight A's all through elementary school and this past year, never missed a day! She is a compassionate, smart, and snuggly girl. She loves to spend time with me in the kitchen baking bread and making strawberry jam and Tollhouse Pie...but put her on the racketball court and she'll whip her dad's butt everytime!

    Peace be with you sweet girl...take your time and be gentle with yourself.
