Friday, June 1, 2012

More communication?

Every adoption is different. Mine happens to be a semi-open adoption. I receive letters with pictures at 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 12 months and then every year on H's birthday till she's 18, and then I am allowed 3 visits in the first 2 years (I believe). At the time when I agreed to this I was still pregnant. I wasn't sure how I'd feel after H was born and the adoption was final. My agency even told me that we could work on things after if I felt different about them, and they assured me I would feel different.

Well, they're right. For months now, approximately 6 months I've wanted to change my adoption agreement. Unfortunately, the state that my adoption was made in does not count these communication agreements as legal, it is just verbal. So, at any time the adoptive party could decide not to follow through with their part and the birth family could not do a thing about it. Now, the agency would try anything in their power to talk things out with the adoptive party, but nothing is guaranteed.

So, yesterday I talked with my pregnancy counselor and vocalized my thoughts. This is what I asked for:

-Upon the agreed letters with pictures I would like another set halfway between her birthdays. So every 6 months I would like an update in the mail.
-3 visits a year. Our first visit went so well, and maybe lasted 3 hours; so that would mean I would be able to see them at least 9 hours a year. I don't want 2 more visits for the next 18 years. I would like to see my daughter in person and watch as she grows into a beautiful young woman. Not see her when she is 10 and feel like a complete stranger.

I don't think this is unreasonable. I've done my research. Most adoptions include 2-6 visits a year! I can't even imagine 6 visits! I'm only asking for 3. The commute is only an hour and a half. They wouldn't even have to drive to meet me where I live. If it means that I'd have to go halfway across the world to see H then I would; so of course I will drive the hour and a half 3 times a year to see her beautiful face. I would be able to be a part of her life, but not intrude on their family.

I'm not asking to change the status of the adoption either. I don't want their phone numbers or home address. I don't want to see them every weekend. I don't want to barge in on their family all of a sudden. I just want to be there in her life. I want to see her in person. I want to see her first tooth. I want to watch her take a step. I want to hear her make animal noises. I want to hear her say my name! I want to see her drawings from school. I want to watch her ride a bike. I want to read her a book. I want to swing with her. I want to hear about her first crush. I want to know her dreams and wishes. I want to see her graduate. I want to watch her fall in love. I want to be at her wedding. I want to be there, for everything. But I can't. So, I at least want the chance to be there 3 times out of the whole year; at least 9 hours out of the 8,765.81277 hours they get her to themselves. It's really not much.. but it's what I want, and what I feel I deserve and need.

If any of your are praying people I would truly love some prayer put behind this. My pregnancy counselor said she would speak with them in 2 weeks about this matter... So, pray if you will! I know I will be. But don't pray that I get what I want, pray that what ever is best will happen; that God's Will be done. Thank you.


  1. Will of course be praying and how wonderful that you are asking for more. That you aren't just letting it go and living with the original agreement. I will pray they are open to hearing your requests and that together you can all do what is best for your daughter.
    One thing we had in our agreement was if distance became an issue we agreed to less visits. But we have a good relationship (I think) and I don't even remember what all we agreed to. We're facebook friends so she sees everything and I try to send a big update 1-2 times a year now.

  2. I will pray for this situation! I am an adoptive mom to a beautiful little girl whose birth mother decided to have a closed adoption...and it breaks my heart. I find myself wondering WHY...and trying to figure out how to explain to my daughter someday. I personally think that your requests make perfect sense, and while open adoption can be scary (for BOTH sides), it really is best for the child. I've just read all of your posts, and it's obvious you love your girl and respect this family at the same time. Praying for these next two weeks to fly and that the outcome will be great!

    1. I find myself wondering why as well! I couldn't imagine living without getting H's updates. I would be lying if I said I never thought about closed adoption, but I wouldn't be able to handle not knowing. I'd be filled with tons of "what ifs". I am reassured with my decision of choosing B and E every time they send an update. It keeps me going.
      Thank you so much for your support! I do love H so much AND B and E! :)
